Nikki aka Ricky Nation is the newest edition to the WTHNSET. He's just that dude. That's all you need to know and this...
1. Who Are You?
I'm that long-haired Filipino dude that gets your girl jealous and moist all at the same time. I'm also that guy that is double fisting alcoholic beverages or is blazed or if I'm lucky.........both. Other than that, I'm usually lurking around the city or in S. Jersey puttin in work; either that or sleeping.
2. 1st Thoughts When You Wake Up?
To J.O. or not to J.O.........What time is it? Do I have time to put in a session???
3. Beer?
FUCK Yea! Who doesn't enjoy an icy refreshing beverage in the morning.......(I'm not an alcoholic)
4. Other Than Sneakers, What Else Are Your Hobbies?
I enjoy bombing down hills with my long-board. Also being a standard asian male and watch hard drives of anime (and porno.....c'mon dont lie to yourselves...we all have our secret stash and routines) and read comic books, and play hat 360 Live. Get at me on that COD4..Gamertag: Twilight24. I'm also that tall filipino guy that plays ball and has to be the center because the other asians he play's with aren't as tall; while also gettin called "Yao" or "Dirk"..... SMH
5. Are you at all a racist?
If your talking about my buddy in my pants, than naaaaah. He's not a racist to any culture of fine ass female; beauty is world famous. Ya feel me?
6. OK......What about yourself?
Me? Nah I love all peoples and cultures. I'm THAT nice guy.
7. What is your beef on short hair???
Theres not enough to pull on... ya feel me? Anyways, I wont be cutting the locks anytime soon. Once this head of greatness is cut, then I look like every other asian dude, if that asian dude is 6'2", the boss, and has a nickname of "The Jackhammer"...
8. Ummmmm Yeaaaa....When Does Your Season Of The Real World Begin??
Most likely next year, I'm going to be that guy that who eats maaad cereal when those bitches are fighting with each other. I'll also be that guy that will come in hammered when everybody is asleep, walk around nude, rub one out one the house couch or in the confession room, and wake up not remembering anything at aaaaaaalllll. lol
9. Any Last Words?
Yea, all this crazy dancing is making my dick real sooooft.
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