So..the days go by slow at times and since we just started this blog, lets kick it off with a bang!
This is the first of many "meet the staff's". You've probably seen
Ubiqs "meet the staff", well this is our version of that. First off for "meet the staff" we have Justin. 20 years old and single, he's a really mellow guy, unless he gets a couple brews in him than shit starts to get crazy. Anyway here is Justin and he's pleased to meet you too.
1.Who Are You?
I'm Justin and I like females. I work at WTHN, I've been here for almost 2 years and I love it.
2. First Thought, When Waking Up?
Fuck, Im Still Alive.
3.What Would You Do Without Your Blackberry?
That thing is my life, I remember when I broke my first one. Couldn't sleep at night and it was just a bad time in my life. Can't live without it. So I wouldn't know what to do.
4.Why Is Your Shirt Off In 95% Of Your Myspace Pictures?
haha..they just caught me at a bad time. (winks)
5.Other Than Sneakers, What Else Are Your Hobbies?
(long "uhh") well other than sneakers, I like to live the dream and have a good time. I like myspacing it and if you didn't notice I like to double fist beers or whatever im sippin on, no homo. As far as other hobbies I don't really know, I like to spend money on flannels and I like to get haircuts. I like to be a student and I like to make money. That pretty much sums it up.
6.Pretty Random Leap From Flannels To Haircuts, Reason?
I'm a random dude, what can I say.
yes please make that two, my left hand feels naked. And make it a Heineken.
8.What Is Your Beef Against Condiments?
Well it just doesn't feel the same with a condom on, I like raw doggin it.
9. No, Con-di-ments.
Oh, its really complicated. For example, I order my regular double cheeseburger with no mustard and pickles, but add big mac sauce and bacon. I know the ketchup exists in the burger, but if i don't see it, i'll eat it. If i happen to see the ketchup, I can't eat it anymore, or at least eat around it. Point is, fuck condiments, not my steez, Although there are a chosen few that I fucks with.
10.You Love The Creepy Old Guy From Family guy, Why?
He has my heart. He's just a creepy dude and his voice is gnarly as shit. (Creepy Old Man Voice)mmmmm....sho' is nice.
11. Any Last Words?
Wheres the party at?